Giving a Formal Presentation

Manager     : Assalamuallaikum Wr.Wb. This morning I will ask the division managers, especially the marketing manager Alfi, and the rest to the manager of production and finance. To manager Alfi , how was the marketing of our products for the past 1 month?

Alfi          : Good morning evryone. My name is Alfi  and I am delighted to be here today to talk to you about marketing activities during the past month. Firstly I will talk about market demand fell by as much as 45% from last month, we have made every effort to increase market turnover but demand for our products continues to decline everyday.

Manager     : what? how can market turnover drop so drastically, even though we have just added raw material to the production section and taken the company's cash for that. What is the cause?

Alfi           : We have researched in the field that there is a kind of product like us that has more portions and has a distinctive aroma. Make consumers curious and moving on to the product.

Manger       : Thanks for the explanation. In this case, we must act quickly so that we can get the market back.

Production : Do we have to make new products and increase product quality?

Finance       : If you add quality, the funds spent must increase and make new products have higher prices, does that not affect the purchasing power of consumers?

Manager     : This of course happens, by making new products that require large funds, as well as different raw materials and machines that must be updated. We recommend that we continue to run the old product but by adding innovation to the product.

Production  : What if we make spaghetti with a variety of italian cooking tastes, by looking at consumer preferences for traditional cuisine in other countries.

Manager     : good idea , we can take innovation from Alfi. Is production ready to make it?
Production  : ready, the production department will try to work with genuine Italian chefs, for the success of this product.
Manager     :Okey, I give full responsibility to the production staf about that. Can financial management achieve all production costs? Can I see the financial statements this month?
Finance       : If cash is collected from previous months, management is ready to finance production, and this the report.
Manager     : After I see it, indeed if we take from the cash in the previous months, it is able to finance production, because this month's profit is below the usual average due to this problem. Well, I agree if you take from the cash in the previous months.
Finance       : okey, the financial department will arrange the overall costs needed for production.
Manager     : Okay, this work can be done starting this month. I hope everyone can be responsible for their respective duties for the smooth operation of this production. And for marketing managers must be more creative in the future to market this product.
Alfi           : In marketing this product later, marketing will hold an event about the uniqueness of our products before being officially marketed, making advertisements showing Italian chefs cooking our spaghetti and making a tester for consumers, so consumers can taste carbonara spaghetti food like the original and then consumers become satisfied.
Manager     : Very good innovation. I hope that the innovation can be planned and produce the results that work. 


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